Who we are
The Millcreek Community Church has it’s roots in four former United Methodist churches from the Youngstown area- Centenary, Lockwood, Mahoning and Richard Brown Memorial. We are a new kind of church, one that makes love work by joining together as a multi-ethnic and multi generational body of servant believers. We are dedicated to furthering the earthly and heavenly kingdom of Jesus Christ, and we invite you and your loved ones to join us and experience Spirit-filled worship without barriers.
Our mission statement:
In unity, the mission of the Millcreek Community Church
is to serve God, help those in need and live by faith and love.
Leadership Team
Our leadership team recognizes the authority of God, and realizes that we are called to serve and be servants of Jesus Christ. We desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. Our passion and goal is to equip people for ministry in the Wesleyan tradition of maturity and Christian perfection in the fullness of Christ.

Pastor Greg Calko
Pastor Greg answered God’s call to be a bi-vocational minister in 2004 and has a passion for expository teaching from the Bible. He left his secular job in 2018 to serve the Lord full time. He is dedicated to bringing people together for Jesus and eliminating the things that divide. He and his wife Tami have been married for 34 years and have two grown children.
Praise Team
We have a talented group of people who love to lift their voices and help lead us in worship. On any given Sunday you will enjoy a wide variety of music from many genres, times and cultures.

Worship Leader: Dean Zawacki
We are excited and blessed to welcome Dean Zawacki to our Millcreek family. Dean has a deep love for Jesus, and brings a passion for music, teamwork and a heart for ministry.
Sally Kurjan
Office Manager
Sally holds a BS degree in Business Marketing and an Associate in Arts in Business Management and brings many years of office experience to Millcreek. Her deep faith, kind heart and willing spirit are both a blessing and tremendous asset to our church family. Sally is also the author of the “Bernie The One- Eyed Puppy” series of children’s books.